The Department of National Defense sponsors the various cadets corps in Canada - Sea, Air and Army. Their support is for the basic program, including uniforms. Additonal activities - such as crewing on a Tall Ship, visiting an amateur radio station and Christmas dinners - are paid for through our fundraising efforts.
Tagging Days
Next dates: April 26, 27, 28 2024
We will be based at the Memorial Clubhouse, 120 Liberty St South in the basement. This will also be the drop off point for each cadet. The cadets will be transported to each tagging location, where there will be two cadets along with an adult officer/Navy League to supervise. We need all cadets to participate.
Before COVID, tagging was a twice-yearly event. Cadets stand at locations such as Canadian Tire, Walmart, and Metro within Bowmanville. Cadets ask donors to support Sea Cadets by making either a tap donation or cash. Cadets offer bookmarks in thanks for donations.
While the Department of National Defense (DND) does provide funding for uniforms and the basic program, extra-curricular activities are paid through fundraising. These funds cover things like band equipment, facility rentals, the Annual Ceremonial Review, and most awards. Tagging is even more important now as covid has prevented us from fundraising for several years. We need your support to have all cadets participate in
this fundraiser so we can continue to provide these benefits.
Cadets are needed to fill these shifts:
Friday April 26: 6pm – 9pm
Saturday April 27: 9am – 1pm 1pm – 5pm
Sunday April 28: 10am – 2pm
We are asking each cadet to take two shifts. Cadets are to report to the basement of
Memorial Park Clubhouse half an hour before their shift starts.
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Registered Charity #11924-8835-RR0013
Copyright © 2022 NLOC - Bowmanville Branch - All Rights Reserved.
This is the unofficial website for Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Bowmanville.
This site is not a representative of the Canadian Forces or the Navy League of Canada.